Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Poem from A Friend's Blog

A friend posted this last night and I thought that I would share it. It often "feels" like everyone around us has everything that we want and we are constantly asking God "when". And as this poem points out, his response is "wait". "Wait" can be such a hard answer to hear. There are so many things that we all want, and we should all probably do a better job of enjoying the wonderful things in life God has blessed us with while we wait. Thanks LT for sharing this poem! I hope you don't mind that I am passing it along for more people to read and reflect.

Desperately, helplessly,
longingly, I cried:

Quietly, patiently, lovingly,
God replied.

I plead and I wept

for a clue to my fate,

And the Master so gently said,

“Child, you must wait.”

“Wait? You say, wait!”

my indignant reply.

“Lord, I need answers,

I need to know why!

Is Your hand shortened?

Or have You not heart?

By faith, I have asked,

and am claiming Your Word.”

My future and all

to which I can relate

Hangs in the balance,

and YOU tell me to WAIT?

I’m needing a “Yes”,

a go-ahead sign,

Or even a “No”

to which I can resign.

And Lord, You promised

that if we believe

We need but to ask,

and we shall receive.

And Lord, I’ve been asking,

and this is my cry:

“I’m weary of asking!

I need a reply!”

Then quietly, softly,

I learned of my fate

As my Master replied once again,

“You must wait.”

So, I slumped in my chair,

defeated and taught

And grumbled to God,

“So, I’m waiting … for what?”

He seemed, then, to kneel

And His eyes wept with mine,

And He tenderly said,

“I could give you a sign.”

I could shake the heavens,

and darken the sun.

I could raise the dead

and cause mountains to run.

All you seek, I could give,

and pleased you would be.

You would have what you want~

But, you wouldn’t know Me.

You’d not know the depth

of My love for each saint;

You’d not know the power

I give to the faint;

You’d not learn to see

through the clouds of despair;

You’d not learn to trust

just by knowing I’m there;

You’d not know the joy

of resting in Me;

When darkness and silence

were all you could see.

You’d never experience

that fullness of love

As the peace of My Spirit

descends like a dove;

You’d know that I give and save,

for a start,

But you’d not know the depth

of the beat of My heart.

The glow of My comfort

late into the night,

The faith that I give

when you walk without sight,

The depth that’s beyond

getting just what you asked

Of an infinite God,

who makes what you have last.

You’d never know,

should your pain quickly flee,

What it means that,

“My grace is sufficient for thee.”

Yes, your dreams for your loved one

Overnight would come true,

But, Oh, the Loss!

If I lost what I’m doing in you!

So, be silent, My child,

and in time you will see

That the greatest of gifts

is to get to know Me.

And though oft’ may My answers

seem terribly late,

My most precious answer of all

is still, “Wait.”

Monday, April 12, 2010

Vacation...why does it have to be so difficult?

So, several months ago, Greg and I decided to take next week (April 19th) off of work and go somewhere fun. Well with all that is pending with fertility, etc., we have now decided to stay close to home. With that said, I am headed to Starkville for Super Bulldog Weekend and time with family and friends!=) Greg is going to hang out with his mother in Birmingham for a few days. The problem is what to do from there...we have thought about heading down to the Gulf Coast for a few days; New Orleans (until we discovered that Jazz Fest is that weekend and there are NO rooms); and then there is just heading home and working around the house. I am torn in different directions...a part of me wants to go somewhere away from home and home and another part of me knows that we have trips approaching this summer and we should be responsible. What to do?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Beginner Blogger

I have been thinking about blogging for a I am. I was sitting around this weekend while my husband was glued to the television (The Master's) and decided to give it a try. I would greatly appreciate any advice, suggestions, websites, etc. Several of my friends have blogs that are adorable. Hopefully we will be blessed with children at some point and I can add their pictures, activities...